Soma offers an independent low-residency Alexander Technique teacher training program. The modular program is designed for teachers and working professionals who cannot take the time out of their careers to train in a residential program. The program consists of thirty-three onsite training intensives, online course work, and self-study.


Phase One: Embodiment

We work to enliven the body and mind by freeing habitual patterns of thinking and movement. You will receive plenty of hands-on guidance, learn classical Alexander Technique procedures, play with the principles of the work in movement and games, and come into contact with Alexander's discoveries in everyday, performance, and athletic activities. You will become an expert in applying the work to yourself and, as a result, be more present, poised, and embodied.

Phase Two: Relationship

You will deepen your experience of the Alexander Technique through the primary activity of touch and begin to develop your hands as teaching tools. You will explore hand quality and build sensitivity as you learn choreography for teaching walking, chair, and table lessons. The embodiment work of the first phase is ever-present and deepened in the second phase.

Phase Three: The Craft of Teaching

This is the apprentice phase. You will work alongside the program director to craft and deliver group movement classes, have the opportunity to lead practice students through a series of private lessons, and teach groups in everyday, performance, and athletic activities. 
